How to Stay on Track While Traveling

With summer upon us, we all know traveling can disrupt your usual routines, making it challenging to stick to your macro goals. However, with a bit of planning and mindful choices, you can enjoy your travels without compromising your nutritional targets. Here are some practical strategies to help you stay on track with your macros while on the go. I have been helping individuals stay on track with their personal and nutritional goals for the last 4.5 years with numerous travel scenarios and l have compiled a comprehensive list of things to do to keep yourself on track and in action while being out of your routine!

1. Plan Ahead:

Set Clear Goals: Before you embark on your trip, clearly define your personal goals/successors for that trip. Knowing your daily targets for protein, carbs, and fats will help you make informed food choices. Also, define what SUCCESS looks like for you. If you are gone on a monthly work trip that you take often, maybe that is not a time to totally let go of monitoring your nutrition. Whereas a fun once in a lifetime family trip could be that scenario where we place less emphasis on tracking/monitoring our intake. 

Success can look different for every weekend trip. When you are on a fun family vacay, maybe success could be aiming to get protein into every meal, focus on some good movement, and strong hydration. But not stressing hitting your macros, doing your normal workouts, etc. whereas when we are away on a weekend trip or a common week away work trip, maybe we aim to stay on track as best as possible with hitting our goals, getting our normal workouts in, etc. Plan your “successors” that you want to stick to before you head out of the house!

Research and Prepare: If you are wanting to focus on staying strongly on track, look up restaurants, cafes, and grocery stores near your destination that offer macro-friendly options. Consider accommodations with kitchen facilities to prepare some of your own meals.

Pack Essentials: Bring along travel-friendly, macro-friendly snacks such as: 

Protein Powders (don’t forget to bring a shaker!)

  • Protein Bars
  • Tuna or Chicken Packets
  • Lean Beef, Chicken, or Turkey Jerky
  • Boiled Eggs (pre-packaged to prevent smell)
  • Deli Meat (opt for low-sodium)
  • Fat-free Greek Yogurt
  • Light String Cheese

2. Make Smart Choices When Dining Out

Prioritize Protein: Protein is crucial for maintaining muscle mass, helping us feel fuller longer, and more satiated especially when traveling. Look for lean protein sources like grilled chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes. Don’t hesitate to ask for extra protein in your meals.

Choose Complex Carbs: Opt for whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to meet your carb goals. These provide sustained energy and essential nutrients. Whereas the starches like pasta and bread are delightful and YES should be enjoyed in moderation, can totally make us feel worse after eating!

Healthy Fats: Incorporate healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Be mindful of portion sizes, as fats are calorie-dense.

3. Utilize Technology

Macro-Tracking Apps: Use apps like MyFitnessPal, Cronometer, or Lose It! to log your food intake. These apps can help you keep track of your macros and make adjustments as needed. If you do not want to track your nutrition, aim to build a balanced plate. A closed fist sized portion of protein is roughly 4 ounces, I would aim for a minimum of 4 oz per meal, at least half your plate in fruit and veggies and then a nice 1/4 of your plate in starches, and a 1/4 of your plate in fats. 

Restaurant Nutrition Info: Many restaurants provide nutritional information online. Use this data to plan your meals and ensure they fit within your macro targets.

4. Shop Smart

Grocery Stores and Markets: Visit local grocery stores or markets to stock up on fresh produce, lean proteins, and healthy snacks. This allows you to prepare some of your meals and have control over your macro intake. The other thing l love doing if l have kitchen access while away on longer trips is doing an Instacart or mobile grocery order!

Prepare Simple Meals: If your accommodation has a kitchenette, prepare simple macro-balanced meals like salads with grilled chicken, quinoa bowls, deli meat wraps, deli meat sandwiches, Greek yogurt bowls, oatmeal, or veggie stir-fries.

5. Stay Active

Incorporate Physical Activity: Keep up with your fitness routine by incorporating physical activities such as walking, hiking, or quick hotel room workouts. Staying active helps you burn calories and manage your macros better. If you cannot get your “normal” workout in, it IS OK!!! Remember something is better than nothing, so often just focusing on activity vs strict workouts could be a game changer.

Exercise Snacks: Short bursts of physical activity throughout the day can help you stay on track. Try bodyweight exercises, yoga, or resistance bands to keep your muscles engaged.

6. Mindful Eating Practices

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Put your fork down between bites. As you take a bite chew your food slowly and take a drink of water before you take your next bite. Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re satisfied to avoid overeating.

Balanced Meals: Aim for balanced meals that include a source of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. This helps you stay full and energized throughout the day.

7. Flexible Approach

Adapt to Changes: Travel can be unpredictable, so be flexible with your macro goals. If you can’t hit your exact targets, aim to stay as close as possible without stressing too much. Also, if it is a trip that you are wanting to kick back and relax during, remind yourself that 1 “off week” does not ruin progress just like 1 “on track week” did not get your RIGHT where you want to be!

Enjoy Local Cuisine: Part of the joy of traveling is experiencing new foods. Allow yourself to indulge in local treats while balancing your overall macro intake for the day.

Maintaining your macro goals while traveling is achievable with a bit of planning and mindful choices. By prioritizing protein, choosing complex carbs, incorporating healthy fats, and using technology to track your intake, you can enjoy your travels without compromising your nutritional goals. Stay active, be flexible, and most importantly, enjoy your journey! The time it takes for you to get where you want to be far outweighs the time you spend not in your normal routine. Do not let travels stop you from achieving your goals!

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